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Searched for: simple large calendar

FAQs and Tips

…the most frequently asked questions about ICS Calendar Pro’s Calendar Builder: How do I duplicate a calendar? Since ICS Calendar Pro’s saved calendars are really just a WordPress Custom Post…

Developer Resources

…view, or calendar-basic.php if you want a list-based view. For custom CSS, note that your calendar will have a wrapper element you can reference with the .ics-calendar.layout-my-custom-view selector. Note: There…

Shortcode Parameters Reference

…options not listed here. We recommend using the Calendar Builder to assemble your calendar options in ICS Calendar Pro, rather than individual shortcode parameters. Shortcodes for calendars created with Calendar


…1 Using a simple shortcode, this WordPress plugin can turn any iCalendar subscription (ICS) feed into a seamlessly integrated, auto-updating, zero-maintenance WordPress calendar experience. Preview Your Calendar Sample Calendars Download…

ICS Calendar CSS Classes

…description for the calendar; displays above the calendar itself. Follows .ics-calendar-title. .ics-calendar-error p Error messages, e.g. “No events found.” .ics-calendar-label h3 Month heading in month or list view. .ics-calendar-list-wrapper article…

Calendar Builder

…effect on any pages where you’ve used that calendar’s shortcode. Go to ICS Calendar → Add New to create a new calendar using Calendar Builder, or ICS Calendar → All…

Which iCalendar fields should ICS Calendar support?

…for interoperability. It’s how you’re able to subscribe to a Google Calendar with your iPhone Calendar app, for instance, or how a collaborator using Microsoft Office 365 can send you…

Calendars, caching, and cron

…functionality happens in response to that request. This includes retrieving the calendar from the source server, parsing the calendar data, and formatting it for ICS Calendar’s display. This happens quickly,…

Admin Utilities and Settings

…force ICS Calendar to clear its caches. Clear ICS Calendar’s cache to force your calendars to update. ICS Feed URL Tester If your calendars are not displaying properly (or at…

New in 10.3: AJAX loading

…use case where the new ajax parameter will be helpful: sites with very large calendars, especially ones that contain a large number of recurring events. Because these calendars can sometimes…

AJAX improvements in ICS Calendar version 11.1

…The main benefits of loading the calendar this way are a) calendar data doesn’t get erroneously cached by third-party caching plugins, and b) large calendars can load without delaying the…

ICS Calendar 10.6 and ICS Calendar Pro 4.3 released

both right above below Wrapping up our big late December-early January development push, ICS Calendar version 10.6 and ICS Calendar Pro version 4.3 are now available! These versions include a…