This page contains a comprehensive list of the configuration parameters you can include in your shortcode. Parameters that require ICS Calendar Pro are indicated with the Pro Only icon.
ICS Calendar Pro users: If you are using the Calendar Builder to configure your calendar, your shortcode only needs to contain the ID of the saved calendar, for example:
[ics_calendar id="123"]
Parameters that are supported by the Calendar Builder can be found under the tab and label indicated to the right of their names in the list below, e.g. "General → AJAX"
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → AJAX
General → AJAX
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Use AJAX to retrieve calendar dynamically after page loads |
Default |
Load calendar directly in page HTML |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Introduced in version 10.3.0.
This parameter is intended for sites that are using a caching plugin that is interfering with the regular loading of the calendar.
By default, ICS Calendar loads the entire calendar data directly in the page HTML. This may result in a caching plugin treating its content as static, and updates to your calendar will not be reflected on the page. When you use this parameter, a placeholder element is included in the page HTML, and AJAX is used to dynamically replace the placeholder with the calendar.
Just as with the standard loading method, the entire calendar data is loaded. This is not an interactive AJAX feature. It is our observation that the user experience is more likely to include unacceptable lag on AJAX interactions, whereas our standard approach of loading all of the calendar data up-front, and allowing the interactions to occur entirely on the client side, provides a much snappier user experience.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" ajax="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Developer use only (not in Calendar Builder)
Developer use only (not in Calendar Builder)
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Returns parsed calendar data array only, rather than display HTML |
Default |
Returns the full display HTML based on the selected view |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
This parameter is intended for use by experienced PHP developers only. It is also used by some features of ICS Calendar Pro currently under development.
When this parameter is present, processing stops as soon as the full calendar data has been parsed, prior to any template rendering. The returned value can then be used in your custom code.
Note: Because this parameter returns a data array rather than echoing any HTML code to the browser, it is useless in the context of a typical shortcode. Instead, you should use the
PHP function. (When this function is used, the value ofarrayonly
is automatically set totrue
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Events → Attachments
Events → Attachments
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Include attachments in event description |
Default |
Do not include attachments in event description |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Use the attach="true"
parameter to display attachments with events. Attachments that are browser-friendly images (e.g. JPEG or PNG) will display directly on the page along with the event’s description. Other attachments will display as a clickable download link.
Images shared from Google Drive will be clickable links, rather than displaying inline, due to the structure of Google Drive links and file access permissions.
If a user who does not have permission to access a particular file on your Google Drive clicks the link, you will receive an automated email from Google requesting permission for that user to access the file. For this reason, you may not want to include attachments in your feed if your site is public.
Google does not provide any way around this limitation, nor a way to make event images/attachments directly publicly accessible.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" attach="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Basic Authentication
Advanced → Basic Authentication
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Use HTTP basic authentication |
Default |
Do not use HTTP basic authentication |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
For calendars that use HTTP basic authentication, this provides a way for you to supply a username and password to allow ICS Calendar to retrieve the calendar data.
HTTP basic authentication passes credentials in clear text and is inherently not secure.
The shortcode parameter is a simple boolean: basicauth="true"
. The username and password may be included directly as part of the feed URL in the url
parameter, as such:
[ics_calendar url="" basicauth="true"]
For additional security, and assuming you are using the same set of credentials for any basic auth calendars site-wide, you may omit the credentials from the URL, and instead define the R34ICS_FEED_BASICAUTH
constant in your site’s wp-config.php
file. Its value should be the username and password, separated by a colon, as such:
define('R34ICS_FEED_BASICAUTH', 'username:password');
Considerations and limitations when using the R34ICS_FEED_BASICAUTH
- This configuration only supports one HTTP basic authentication username/password combination per site. Multiple basic auth-protected calendars can be accessed if they all use the same credentials.
- If a shortcode contains multiple feeds, the same credentials will be applied to all of the feeds.
- Public calendars ignore the credentials, so a shortcode can include a combination of basic auth-protected and public calendars, as long as any and all basic auth-protected calendars use the same credentials.
- Because basic auth uses a colon
as a delimiter, neither the username nor the password can contain a colon. (Since this is an inherent limitation, it should not be an issue for any existing credentials.) - This feature currently cannot be used in conjunction with
. If this setting is used, it will forceeventdl
booked_ day_ bg_ color
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Booked Day Background Color
booked_ day_ bg_ color
Advanced → Booked Day Background Color
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Hex color code |
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" booked_day_bg_color="#RRGGBB"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
calendar_ illustrations
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Event Illustrations
calendar_ illustrations
Advanced → Event Illustrations
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
(empty) |
Default |
No event illustrations |
Use Google Calendar illustrations |
Use local illustrations with Google Calendar fallbacks |
Use local illustrations only |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
If you choose the local
or fallback
option, you will need to upload images and assign their associated keywords under ICS Calendar → Illustrations Library.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" calendar_illustrations="local"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
(custom text) |
One or more category names, separated by the pipe character |
If your ICS feed includes the CATEGORIES
property, you can use this parameter to filter the feed to only display events matching one or more categories of your choice.
This parameter was added in ICS Calendar version 11.5.2 (January 31, 2025), and is not yet available in ICS Calendar Pro. However, as with most parameters, you can manually add it to your ID-based shortcode.
Note: While
is part of the iCalendar specification, it is not widely supported by most popular calendar applications such as Google Calendar or Microsoft 365. If you use this property with a feed that does not supportCATEGORIES
, all events will be excluded and a blank calendar will display.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" category="Sales Team"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Color
General → Color
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
One or more hex color codes, separated by spaces or the pipe character |
You can apply a color to events in your feed by using the color
parameter. This is especially helpful if you have multiple feeds and you want to use color coding to distinguish the feeds within your calendar. Add hex color values to this parameter and they will be applied to your feeds in the same order as the feeds are entered in the url
parameter. For example, if you have three feeds and you want to color them purple, green and orange, you could use color="#800080 #008000 #ffa500"
. The base color will be used as a left border on each event, and a lighter tint of that color will be used as the background on the events. Use a tool like the HTML Color Picker to select hex values, if necessary. (Note: the color
parameter supports either space- or pipe-delimited lists.)
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" color="#800080 #008000 #ffa500"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Column Labels
General → Column Labels
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
(empty) |
Default |
Default for view (varies by view) |
Full day name, e.g. "Monday" |
Abbreviated day name, e.g. "Mon" |
Initial for day, e.g. "M" |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
By default the grid’s column labels will be the full names of the days of the week. For tighter layouts you can add columnlabels="short"
to use 3-letter abbreviations, or columnlabels="min"
to use 1- or 2-letter abbreviations. (The full day names and abbreviations are in the plugin’s translation files for all supported languages.) Applies to month and week views only.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" columnlabels="full"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the View setting(s).
combined_ availability
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Combined Availability
combined_ availability
General → Combined Availability
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Default |
Show availability separately for multiple feeds |
Only show dates as "available" if ALL feeds are available |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" combined_availability="false"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Combine Multiday Events
Advanced → Combine Multiday Events
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Visually combine multi-day events |
Default |
Show multi-day events as a series of individual all-day events |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
This is an experimental feature. Your feedback is welcomed. Please see this blog post for more information.
This parameter is not yet supported in Calendar Builder. ICS Calendar Pro users can still take advantage of this feature by adding the necessary parameter directly to their shortcode.
Due to template design limitations, the Month, Week and Month with Sidebar views do not display multi-day events as a block spanning across multiple day cells in the calendar table, but as a series of discrete single-day all-day events.
This parameter uses CSS to modify the appearance of these events to simulate the effect of a multi-day span. It should be useful in most scenarios, although calendars with complicated sequences of overlapping multi-day events may have some display issues.
ICS Calendar Pro users are encouraged to try Full view, which has full support for multi-day events spanning table cells.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" combinemultiday="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Compact
Advanced → Compact
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Display the calendar in a compact layout |
Default |
Display the calendar in the normal layout |
Compact view on desktop breakpoint only |
Compact view on mobile breakpoint only |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Set compact="true"
to activate a more compact display of whichever view you are currently using. The exact layout changes will vary by view; not all views are affected. It is recommended that you also use toggle="true"
on list view for maximum effect.
Note:This is currently an experimental feature, and we are looking for feedback. Presently the changes are that all text is reduced slightly in size, and the list view is collapsed into a new layout with the times left-aligned next to the event titles.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" compact="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Count
General → Count
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Number of events to display |
Number of events to display, e.g. count="5"
. Applies in list view only.
Note: This parameter’s default value was changed in ICS Calendar version 10.6. Please see this blog post for more information.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" count="5"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the View setting(s).
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Developer use only (not in Calendar Builder)
Developer use only (not in Calendar Builder)
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Pipe-delimited list of custom options |
If you are writing your own custom code to extend the plugin’s functionality, use customoptions
to create your own configuration options for the shortcode. The value passed in this attribute is automatically converted into an array using the pipe character |
as a delimiter. This attribute will never be used directly within the core ICS Calendar plugin, but may be used in ICS Calendar Pro or in customizations/add-ons to pass additional data into the shortcode for use within filters.
- If no pipes are present in the value, it will still be converted into an array with one node.
- The value is converted to a numbered array of values; that is, it does not automatically get converted into an associative array of key/value pairs. You will need to handle the values accordingly in your code.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" customoptions="key1=value1|key2=value2"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Troubleshooting → Debug Mode
Troubleshooting → Debug Mode
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
(empty) |
Default |
Debug mode off |
Basic debugging |
(Same as |
Extended debugging |
Full debugging; also turns off ICS Calendar's caching |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Use debug="true"
to turn on the debugger. Extended debugging output is available by setting debug="2"
. Only Administrator-level users will see debugging code. When turned on, a panel will appear at the bottom of the screen with a raw dump of the ICS data array, and possibly additional debugging information. When debugging you may also want to set reload="true"
to reload the feed on each page load.
Basic mode includes the fully parsed event array and general details about the request. It uses cached data if available. Extended mode adds the raw data as handled by the ics-parser library (before being processed by ICS Calendar itself), along with additional details about the server connection. Full mode always requests fresh data from the source server, rather than using the cache, and it also outputs the entire raw contents of the ICS feed itself.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" debug="1"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Header & Footer → Description
Header & Footer → Description
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Automatically displays the description of the calendar from the source feed (if the calendar only contains one feed) |
Default |
Hides the source calendar's description; does not display any description above the calendar |
Displays the text entered, instead of the source calendar's description |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Text string to display as a general description of the calendar. Displays above the calendar, just below title
. If omitted, the feed’s description will display (if any). Use "false"
to display no description.
Note: This parameter’s default value was changed in ICS Calendar version 10.6. Please see this blog post for more information.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" description="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the Hide Calendar Title and Description; Customize Title and Description setting(s).
empty_ day_ bg_ color
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Empty Day Background Color
empty_ day_ bg_ color
Advanced → Empty Day Background Color
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Hex color code |
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" empty_day_bg_color="#RRGGBB"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
empty_ day_ description
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Empty Day Description
empty_ day_ description
Advanced → Empty Day Description
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
If Fill Empty Days is on, you can enter a generic description to display on empty days. Event Descriptions must be turned on. HTML is allowed in this field.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" empty_day_description="No events."]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the Fill Empty Days setting(s).
empty_ day_ title
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Empty Day Title
empty_ day_ title
Advanced → Empty Day Title
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
If Fill Empty Days is on, you can enter a generic title to display on empty days.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" empty_day_title="Free"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the Fill Empty Days setting(s).
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Events → Event Descriptions
Events → Event Descriptions
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Default |
Show event descriptions |
Do not show event descriptions |
Show an excerpt of the description, INTEGER words long |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Use the eventdesc="true"
parameter to display event descriptions. Note: In the month view, descriptions will display on hover; in the list view, descriptions will display in full on the page below the event title (and location/organizer, if shown). In the list view, you can choose to display an excerpt of the description by entering the number of words to show, e.g. eventdesc="12"
. Hovering over the shortened description will show the full description in a tooltip. Month view always shows the full description.
Note: This parameter’s default value was changed in ICS Calendar version 10.6. Please see this blog post for more information.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" eventdesc="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
eventdesc_ length
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Events → Description Excerpt
eventdesc_ length
Events → Description Excerpt
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
If your event descriptions are long, enter a number of words to display as an excerpt instead. Full description text will appear if the user clicks the excerpt.
This exists as a separate parameter only to facilicate the Calendar Builder interface in ICS Calendar Pro. To set an excerpt length in ICS Calendar (free), enter an integer value for
as shown below.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" eventdesc="12"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the Event Descriptions setting(s).
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Events → Event Downloads
Events → Event Downloads
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Add an individual |
Default |
Do not add individual |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Add eventdl="true"
to your shortcode to add a clickable download link to each event. This will download a customized .ics
file containing only the selected event for users to add the event to their personal calendars.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" eventdl="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Dates & Times → Event Local Time
Dates & Times → Event Local Time
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Shows times in the local timezones associated with each individual event |
Default |
Shows times in the timezone defined for the overall feed or in WordPress general settings |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Add eventlocaltime="true"
if your feed includes events with different individual local timezone settings. Each event will be displayed with its time in the associated local timezone, with a timezone abbreviation added.
This feature was added in ICS Calendar version 11.2.1.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" eventlocaltime="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Dates & Times → Extend Multi-day Events
Dates & Times → Extend Multi-day Events
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Extend all-day, multi-day events to include the end date |
Extend "overnight" events with start/end times to the following day |
Apply both of the above changes to event end dates |
Default |
No modification of end dates |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
This parameter addresses two different, but similar, issues with the display of events that extend across multiple days.
All table-based views (except Full view in ICS Calendar Pro) treat “overnight” events with start and end times as occurring on the start date only. Setting this option to overnight
will turn those into multi-day events spanning both days. (Full view already does this by default.)
Per the iCalendar specification, the DTEND
value on all-day events is the first free date in the range, i.e. the date after the event finishes. By default, multi-day all-day events are handled this way. If your feed includes multi-day all-day events that should include the date specified by DTEND
, add extendmultiday="allday"
to your shortcode.
This option was changed in ICS Calendar 11.3.4 (and Pro 5.4.1). Previously it was a true/false value. The old true option is equivalent to the new
option, and existing shortcodes will continue to function as before.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" extendmultiday="allday"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
fc_ business_ days
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Business Days
fc_ business_ days
General → Business Days
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Applicable Views
fc_ hide_ alldayslot
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Hide All Day
fc_ hide_ alldayslot
General → Hide All Day
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Applicable Views
fc_ tab_ default
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Default Tab
fc_ tab_ default
General → Default Tab
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Applicable Views
fc_ tab_ mobile_ default_ list
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Mobile Default
fc_ tab_ mobile_ default_ list
General → Mobile Default
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Applicable Views
fc_ tabs
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Tabs
fc_ tabs
General → Tabs
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Label
General → Label
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Labels for each feed in the legend, pipe-delimited |
By default, each calendar in the color key will be labeled using the title provided in that calendar’s feed. You can override the titles by using feedlabel
. Note that because feed labels may need to contain spaces, the values for this parameter are pipe-delimited |
rather than space-delimited. You can provide custom labels for some feeds and use the default titles as labels for others. For example, if you had three feeds and wanted to keep the default title for the second one, you could use feedlabel="Calendar Label 1||Calendar Label 3"
. (Note two pipes together; this is leaving the second delimited value empty.)
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" feedlabel="Calendar Label 1|Calendar Label 2"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Events → Labels
Events → Labels
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Adds feed labels to the description hover box for each event |
Default |
Feed labels are shown in the legend only |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
By default, feed labels are displayed only in the color code legend above the calendar. By adding this parameter to your shortcode, each individual event’s details hover box will also show the feed label.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" feedlabelindesc="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
fill_ empty_ days
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Fill Empty Days
fill_ empty_ days
Advanced → Fill Empty Days
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Pro Only |
Adds Empty Day Title and Empty Day Description to days with no events |
Default |
Pro Only |
Days with no event are left blank |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
If your calendar is intended to show availability, use this option to add a general “available” message to all dates that do not have any events in your feed. You can set the specific title (and/or description) to be displayed using the Empty Day Title and Empty Day Description fields.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" fill_empty_days="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
The Filters tab in the Calendar Builder lets you access some of the capabilities of ICS Calendar’s custom filters, without the need to write PHP code.
Because of the way this parameter works, it cannot be used directly in the shortcode, and can only be accessed using Calendar Builder or the ICS Calendar block.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Redundant Events
Advanced → Redundant Events
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
(empty) |
Default |
No effect |
Removes multiple events that have the same UID in the source feed |
(Same as |
Removes multiple events that start at the same time and have the same SUMMARY, regardless of UID |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Designed primarly to address an issue where an iCloud source feed may include multiple past edits of an event as separate, redundant instances of the event in the calendar. If you are experiencing this issue, add fixredundantuids="1"
to your shortcode. Note that this will not remove redundant-looking events if they have different UIDs. (For instance, if you’ve deleted a single instance of a recurring event, and then created a new one-off event at the same date and time, or with the same title… those events will have different UIDs and be treated as separate events.)
Setting fixredundantuids="2"
wil remove any duplicates that start at the same time and have the same SUMMARY value, regardless of matching UIDs. (This is intended for handling edge cases where an individual instance of a recurring event has been edited.)
For those integrating ICS Calendar with The Events Calendar: If your ICS Calendar includes multiple category-specific feeds from The Events Calendar, and you have events that appear in multiple categories, those events will display multiple times in ICS Calendar. Turning on this setting resolves that issue.
ICS Calendar Pro users: This option was added to the Calendar Builder interface in version 4.11.2.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" fixredundantuids="1"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Dates & Times → Date Format
Dates & Times → Date Format
By default list view will display dates in the U.S. standard day-month-date format (e.g. “Thursday March 14”). Other views use the format in your general WordPress settings under Settings → General → Date Format.
To use a different date format in your ICS Calendar shortcode, use a value in standard PHP date format with the format
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" format="D n/j"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Dates & Times → Month/Year Format
Dates & Times → Month/Year Format
In places where the month and year are displayed without the day number (e.g. headers and month selection dropdown menu in month view), the default format is F Y
(e.g. “March 2020”). Use the formatmonthyear
parameter with PHP date format strings to customize the display. Note: This option only supports month and year characters (F, m, M, n, Y, y), plus spaces, hyphens, periods and slashes. All other formatting characters will be stripped from the output.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" formatmonthyear="F Y"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Dates & Times → Full Date in Table
Dates & Times → Full Date in Table
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Shows times in the local timezones associated with each individual event |
Default |
Shows times in the timezone defined for the overall feed or in WordPress general settings |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Add fulldateintable="true"
to display full dates (using the format
parameter) in each cell of table-based views (e.g. month, week, month with sidebar).
This feature was added in ICS Calendar version 11.2.0.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" fulldateintable="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
grid_ max_ days
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Max Days
grid_ max_ days
General → Max Days
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Pro Only |
Number of days to show at once in grid view |
Use this option to adjust the number of days to display at once in grid view. The default is 5.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" grid_max_days="5"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the View setting(s).
grid_ show_ empty
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Empty Days
grid_ show_ empty
General → Empty Days
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Show empty days in grid |
Default |
Show only days with events in grid |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
By default, grid view only shows dates that contain one or more events. Turn on this option to show all dates, regardless of whether or not they contain events.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" grid_show_empty="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the View setting(s).
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → ID Attribute
Advanced → ID Attribute
A “GUID” or “globally unique identifier,” can be used to give your calendar’s container element a unique HTML id
attribute, making it easy to create an “anchor” link to the calendar within a long page. Must consist of only lowercase letters or numerals. Cannot start with a numeral. Once set, you can use this string as an anchor link or in creating custom CSS specific to this calendar.
The shortcode parameter is
instead ofid
to avoid a conflict with theid
attribute in the Pro version.Note: This is not strictly a true “GUID” but the name was chosen for familiarity.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" guid="My Calendar"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Events → "All Day" Indicator
Events → "All Day" Indicator
By default, all-day events are grouped at the top of each day’s events list, with an “ALL DAY” header. Use hidealldayindicator="true"
to remove this header. (The all-day events will still be grouped together, above any time-specific events.)
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" hidealldayindicator="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Cancelled Events
Advanced → Cancelled Events
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Hides events marked CANCELLED |
Default |
Does not hide any cancelled events |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Hide any events marked as “cancelled” that are included in the ICS feed.
This feature was added in ICS Calendar version 11.1.0.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" hidecancelledevents="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Private Events
Advanced → Private Events
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Hides events marked PRIVATE or CONFIDENTIAL |
Default |
Does not hide any private or confidential events |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
By default, ICS Calendar displays any events that are included in the feed. In terms of the iCalendar specification, it does not do anything with the CLASS
property on events.
This parameter is mainly intended for a specific Google Calendar use case, although it may be useful with other services as well. When your calendar is set to public and you are using what Google calls the Public address in iCal format, it automatically excludes any events in that calendar that are marked “private”. But if you use the Secret address in iCal format, those private events are included in the feed.
Using the hideprivateevents
parameter in your shortcode will tell ICS Calendar to exclude any events with CLASS:PRIVATE
from display.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" hideprivateevents="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Events → Hide Recurrence
Events → Hide Recurrence
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Default |
Does not show recurrence frequency |
Shows recurrence frequency |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
You can hide recurrence frequency messages using hiderecurrence="true"
, or you can hide specific frequency types by entering one or more pipe-delimited frequencies to hide, e.g. hiderecurrence="yearly"
or hiderecurrence="yearly|monthly"
Note: This parameter’s default value was changed in ICS Calendar version 10.6. Please see this blog post for more information.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" hiderecurrence="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Tentative Events
Advanced → Tentative Events
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Hides events marked TENTATIVE |
Default |
Does not hide any tentative events |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Hide any events marked as “tentative” that are included in the ICS feed.
This feature was added in ICS Calendar version 11.1.0.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" hidecancelledevents="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Dates & Times → Hide Times
Dates & Times → Hide Times
By default, start times are always displayed, and end times are displayed on hover. To hide all times (for instance, if the times are also in your event description), add the hidetimes="true"
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" hidetimes="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Hide Weekends
General → Hide Weekends
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Applicable Views
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Daily Start Time / Daily End Time
General → Daily Start Time / Daily End Time
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
When using the Calendar Builder, the start and end times are entered separately in the Daily Start Time and Daily End Time fields. If entering directly in the shortcode, the start and end times are handled as a pair of 4-digit values (24-hour time, HHMM
) separated by a hyphen.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" hours="0800-1900"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the View setting(s).
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Date Heading Tag
Advanced → Date Heading Tag
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Accepts one of a designated subset of HTML tags |
This parameter is intended for SEO-focused developers who wish to control which HTML tags are used for the date headings in list view. The default value is h4
. The following accepted values are allowed (must be lowercase):
, h3
, h4
, h5
, h6
, p
, div
, span
Note: h1
is deliberately excluded as it is never SEO-appropriate to use an h1
tag in the context of ICS Calendar.
This parameter was introduced in ICS Calendar v. 10.11.0.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" htmltagtitle="h5"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Event Description Tag
Advanced → Event Description Tag
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Accepts one of a designated subset of HTML tags |
This parameter is intended for SEO-focused developers who wish to control which HTML tags are used for the event descriptions. The default value is div
. The following accepted values are allowed (must be lowercase):
, h3
, h4
, h5
, h6
, p
, div
, span
Note: h1
is deliberately excluded as it is never SEO-appropriate to use an h1
tag in the context of ICS Calendar.
This parameter was introduced in ICS Calendar v. 10.13.0.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" htmltageventdesc="span"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Event Title Tag
Advanced → Event Title Tag
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Accepts one of a designated subset of HTML tags |
This parameter is intended for SEO-focused developers who wish to control which HTML tags are used for the event titles. The default value is span
. The following accepted values are allowed (must be lowercase):
, h3
, h4
, h5
, h6
, p
, div
, span
Note: h1
is deliberately excluded as it is never SEO-appropriate to use an h1
tag in the context of ICS Calendar.
This parameter was introduced in ICS Calendar v. 10.13.0.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" htmltageventtitle="div"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Month/Year Heading Tag
Advanced → Month/Year Heading Tag
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Accepts one of a designated subset of HTML tags |
This parameter is intended for SEO-focused developers who wish to control which HTML tags are used for the month headings. (Note: In year-based Pro views, this heading is used for the year.) The default value is h3
. The following accepted values are allowed (must be lowercase):
, h3
, h4
, h5
, h6
, p
, div
, span
Note: h1
is deliberately excluded as it is never SEO-appropriate to use an h1
tag in the context of ICS Calendar.
This parameter was introduced in ICS Calendar v. 10.11.0.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" htmltagmonth="h4"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Event Time Tag
Advanced → Event Time Tag
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Accepts one of a designated subset of HTML tags |
This parameter is intended for SEO-focused developers who wish to control which HTML tags are used for the event times. The default value is span
. The following accepted values are allowed (must be lowercase):
, h3
, h4
, h5
, h6
, p
, div
, span
Note: h1
is deliberately excluded as it is never SEO-appropriate to use an h1
tag in the context of ICS Calendar.
This parameter was introduced in ICS Calendar v. 10.13.0.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" htmltagtime="div"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Calendar Title Heading Tag
Advanced → Calendar Title Heading Tag
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Accepts one of a designated subset of HTML tags |
This parameter is intended for SEO-focused developers who wish to control which HTML tags are used for the main calendar title. The default value is h2
. The following accepted values are allowed (must be lowercase):
, h3
, h4
, h5
, h6
, p
, div
, span
Note: h1
is deliberately excluded as it is never SEO-appropriate to use an h1
tag in the context of ICS Calendar.
This parameter was introduced in ICS Calendar v. 10.11.0.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" htmltagtitle="h3"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Pro Only |
The post ID of your saved calendar from Calendar Builder |
If you are using ICS Calendar Pro’s Calendar Builder to configure your calendar, you do not need to enter a complicated shortcode in your pages. Instead, the Calendar Builder displays a Shortcode field at the top of the page, containing the unique ID for this particular calendar configuration.
You can edit the calendar configuration at any time, and any instances of the simple shortcode using this ID throughout your site will automatically pick up the changes. (Note: you may need to run the Clear Cached Calendar Data utility on the ICS Calendar admin page, as well as any additional caches generated by third-party caching plugins.)
ICS Calendar shortcodes that are built with this parameter can also include any of the other standard parameters, for example if you want to use a saved Calendar Builder calendar in multiple places on your site, but override one or more of the settings in any individual instance, as such:
[ics_calendar id="123" format="n/d"]
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Developer use only (not in Calendar Builder)
Developer use only (not in Calendar Builder)
An update to the ics-parser library introduced in ICS Calendar v. 9.0 presented a problem for a small number of users, where the new version of ics-parser strips CSS classes out of HTML-formatted event descriptions. Using this parameter will cause ICS Calendar to continue using the older version of the parser.
This option will be removed when an updated version of ics-parser that resolves this issue is available.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" legacyparser="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Header & Footer → Legend Position
Header & Footer → Legend Position
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Default |
Shows legend above the calendar |
Shows legend below the calendar |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Determines where to display the legend (list that identifies the different calendar feeds) relative to the calendar. Valid values are "above"
and "below"
. If omitted or an invalid value, will default to above.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" legendposition="above"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the Legend Style setting(s).
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Header & Footer → Legend Style
Header & Footer → Legend Style
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Default |
Displays items in legend stacked vertically |
Displays items in legend inline in a row |
Legend does not display |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Determines how to display the legend. Valid values are "block"
, "inline"
and "none"
. If omitted or an invalid value, will default to block.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" legendstyle="block"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
limit_ in_ table
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Limit in Table
limit_ in_ table
General → Limit in Table
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Pro Only |
Number of events to show per day in the month table |
By default, Month with Sidebar view shows a maximum of 3 events per day in the month table, followed by a note indicating the number of additional events on that day. Clicking a day displays its full list in the sidebar.
This parameter lets you adjust the number of events to show per day in the table.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" limit_in_table="3"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the View setting(s).
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Dates & Times → Limit Days
Dates & Times → Limit Days
By default, the plugin limits the displayed date range to the farthest future event in your feed. Use limitdays="NUMBER"
to override the default limit. Replace NUMBER
with your desired number of days. Note: If your calendar has a very large number of events, setting this value above 365 may affect performance.
Microsoft Outlook/Office 365 users: In some cases, Microsoft limits the source feed to 6 months. Please see this note for more information.
Note: This parameter’s default value was changed in ICS Calendar version 10.6. Please see this blog post for more information.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" limitdays="180"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Developer use only (not in Calendar Builder)
Developer use only (not in Calendar Builder)
Use this option only if your feed formats event description line breaks in a way that does not conform properly to the iCalendar spec. Has no effect on properly formatted feeds.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" linebreakfix="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Events → Links
Events → Links
If the event data contains a URL, the URL can be added to the display as a clickable link in one of two ways. Use the linktitles="true"
parameter to make the event title into a clickable link to that URL. If linktitles
is not used, and eventdesc="true"
is used, then the URL will be displayed as a clickable link after the event description. These links will always open in a new tab/window. If you do not wish to have event URL links appear at all, use nolink="true"
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" linktitles="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Events → Event Locations
Events → Event Locations
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Default |
Displays event locations in the description area |
Does not display event locations |
Displays event locations and automatically makes them clickable Google Maps links |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Use the location="true"
parameter to display event locations (if available). Note: In the month view, locations will display on hover; in the list view, locations will display in full on the page below the event title.
Use location="maplinks"
to make event locations automatically convert into a clickable Google Maps link, unless the feed’s LOCATION
field data already contains HTML or a URL.
performs a Google Maps search on the exact text of your events’LOCATION
fields. It does not have a way to verify that the value is a real address, so incomplete locations (e.g. conference room names within your office) may yield nonsensical map results.
Note: This parameter’s default value was changed in ICS Calendar version 10.6. Please see this blog post for more information.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" location="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Events → Map Source
Events → Map Source
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Default |
Use Google Maps for automatic map links |
Use Bing Maps for automatic map links |
Use OpenStreetMap for automatic map links |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
If your calendar is set to display event location information with map links, via location="maplinks"
, the default is to generate Google Maps links. This setting lets you choose one of the available alternate map options, Bing Maps or OpenStreetMap.
Please note: This parameter only works in conjunction with
in your shortcode. If that is not set,mapsource
will have no effect.
OpenStreetMap users: OpenStreetMap works best if your feed includes exact longitude and latitude coordinates via the
property (which is rare). If your feed does not containGEO
data, ICS Calendar performs a search on the map service using the address in theLOCATION
property of the feed. While this generally works well with Google or Bing, OpenStreetMap is a bit more restrictive in its search results, and it may not return a usable match.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" mapsource="bing"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Mask Info
Advanced → Mask Info
In some cases, such as for vacation rental availability, you may not want to show any event details, but simply block out days and times. Use maskinfo="MASK"
, replacing MASK
with the text you wish to display in place of the event title. Event details, location and organizer will also be hidden automatically, regardless of any other settings.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" maskinfo="Booked"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
month_ list_ all
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → List All
month_ list_ all
General → List All
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Pro Only |
Show all months when collapsed to mobile list view |
Default |
Pro Only |
Retain month-by-month dropdown in collapsed view |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
By default (unless the nomobile
parameter is set), month view collapses to a list on mobile devices, for usability. This collapsed list view retains the month dropdown menu, showing the events for only one month at a time.
Turn on this option to display all events at once on mobile devices. Has no effect on the desktop view.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" month_list_all="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the View setting(s).
month_ table_ list_ toggle
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Table/List Toggle
month_ table_ list_ toggle
General → Table/List Toggle
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Pro Only |
Adds month/list toggle option to month view |
Default |
Pro Only |
Does not add the month/list toggle |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
When this option is turned on, month view adds a Month/List toggle button, allowing users to switch between the default table-based month layout and a simple day-by-day, event-by-event list view. This list view matches the version that month view automatically collapses to on mobile devices.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" month_table_list_toggle="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the View setting(s).
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Month Navigation Style
General → Month Navigation Style
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Default |
Displays a select (dropdown) menu |
Displays previous/next month arrows |
Displays both a select menu and arrows |
Displays both, inline, without the default month/year header |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
By default, the month view shows a dropdown (select) menu to navigate available months. Add monthnav
with a value of select
, arrows
, both
or compact
(both, inline without header) to change how this is displayed. Applies to month view only.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" monthnav="select"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the View setting(s).
no_ angled_ backgrounds
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → No Angled Backgrounds
no_ angled_ backgrounds
General → No Angled Backgrounds
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Events → Link
Events → Link
Suppresses display of event links. Useful if your calendar feed automatically inserts a default link on all events that you do not wish to display along with the event description.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" nolink="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Mobile
General → Mobile
The standard treatment for month and week views on mobile is to stack the display in a list style, because the grid does not work well scaled to the small size of a mobile display. However, if you wish to retain the grid, add nomobile="true"
to your shortcode. Note that you will probably need to add your own custom CSS to make this display usable. Be sure to wrap your CSS in @media screen and (max-width: 782px) { }
and use .ics-calendar.nomobile .ics-calendar-month-grid
in your CSS selectors.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" nomobile="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the View setting(s).
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → No Month Headers
Advanced → No Month Headers
Use nomonthheaders="true"
on list or month view to prevent month headers from displaying on the page. Reduces overall layout size by removing the month headers. Does not apply to views where month headers are necessary for usability. (Has no effect on week view since there are no month headers in that view anyway.)
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" nomonthheaders="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → No Style
General → No Style
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Default |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Turns off most CSS styles for the Basic view (introduced in version 10.13), allowing for full customization with your own CSS. This parameter has no effect on any other views.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" nostyle="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Events → Event Organizers
Events → Event Organizers
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Default |
Shows the event organizer |
Does not show the event organizer |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Use the organizer="true"
parameter to display event organizer (if available). Note: In the month view, organizers will display on hover; in the list view, locations will display in full on the page below the event title (and location, if shown).
Note: This parameter’s default value was changed in ICS Calendar version 10.6. Please see this blog post for more information.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" organizer="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Pagination
General → Pagination
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Number of events to include per page |
With this parameter, list view supports pagination. When using pagination
, be sure to also include the count
parameter. You should use count
to set the total number of events you want to display, and pagination
to set the number of events to display per “page.”
Note: This value is approximate. The list will always keep events that occur on the same date grouped together on a single page, possibly resulting in some pages containing more than the designated number of events.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" pagination="5"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Pagination Position
General → Pagination Position
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Default |
Shows pagination links above the event list |
Shows pagination links below the event list |
Shows pagination links both above and below the event list |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
This setting is only relevant for list view when pagination
is set. Determines if the pagination links appear above or below the list, or both. The default is below, but some users may wish to display the links above the list, since varying event description lengths can cause the links to move up or down on the page when clicked.
This parameter was introduced in ICS Calendar v.10.9.1.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" paginationposition="below"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Dates & Times → Past Days
Dates & Times → Past Days
By default, list and month views do not include past dates (before the first of the current month, in month view) unless startdate
is used to set an arbitrary start date. You can also set a rolling start by using pastdays="NUMBER"
where NUMBER
is replaced with the number of days back you wish to begin. For instance, to show 3 previous months you could enter pastdays="90"
. This option has no effect in week view.
Notes about the
attribute:1. You may need to make adjustments to the
option when this is used, as it calculates from the first displayed date, not the current date.2. This attribute has no effect on week view.
Note: This parameter’s default value was changed in ICS Calendar version 10.6. Please see this blog post for more information.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" pastdays="90"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the Start On setting(s).
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Regular Expressions
Advanced → Regular Expressions
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Pro Only |
Turns on Regular Expressions parsing |
Default |
Pro Only |
No Regular Expressions parsing |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Executes the PHP preg_replace()
function on event data, allowing you to build complex text replacement logic if you need to customize how your event information is displayed. Requires an understanding of PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions).
Important: This option just turns on the Regular Expressions functionality. You will also need to set the Pattern, Replacement and Scope parameters.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" regex="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
regex_ pattern
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Pattern
regex_ pattern
Advanced → Pattern
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Defines the pattern for the RegEx search. Requires an understanding of PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions).
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" regex_pattern="/PATTERN/"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the Regular Expressions setting(s).
regex_ replacement
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Replacement
regex_ replacement
Advanced → Replacement
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Defines the replacement for the RegEx search. Requires an understanding of PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions).
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" regex_replacement="REPLACEMENT"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the Regular Expressions setting(s).
regex_ scope
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Scope
regex_ scope
Advanced → Scope
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
(empty) |
Default |
No scope; search will not be performed |
Searches in event titles only |
Searches in event descriptions only |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Regular Expressions can be applied to either the event titles or event descriptions, or to both. This parameter determines the scope of the search. Note that this parameter is required when applying regular expressions. If you wish to include both titles and descriptions, both values can be entered, pipe-delimited.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" regex_scope="event_label_html|event_description_html"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the Regular Expressions setting(s).
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Troubleshooting → Reload
Troubleshooting → Reload
Note: This parameter’s functionality has changed as of version 8.5.5.
By default, ICS Calendar caches your parsed feed data for one hour (3600 seconds). Previous versions supported using reload="true"
to tell the plugin not to cache the calendar data at all. This is still supported, but now the reload
parameter supports any integer value, representing the number of seconds the cache should be retained. For instance, to set the cache to four hours instead of one, use reload="14400"
. If this parameter is omitted or set to 0, false, or a negative value, the default 3600-second (1-hour) cache will apply.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" reload="1"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Events → Resources
Events → Resources
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Shows the event resources |
Default |
Does not show the event resources |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
If your calendar feed includes the RESOURCES
property (typically used to assign rooms or equipment to an event), use this option to display that information in the event description hover/lightbox. Note: It is uncommon for most feeds to include this information.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" resources="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Reverse
General → Reverse
If you want to display a list of past events, use reverse="true"
in your shortcode. The list will start from the current date and move backwards from there.
Use in conjunction with pastdays
to set the number of days to include in the display.
- When
is used,pastdays
are automatically set to the same value. If both are set,pastdays
takes precedence. - Due to date scope logic in the parser, if both
are omitted, only events in the current calendar year will be displayed. - The
option applies only to list view. It has no effect on other views, due to a logical incompatibility with other layouts. - Multiple events within a single day are still displayed in “forward” time order.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" reverse="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the View setting(s).
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Events → Links
Events → Links
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Default |
Opens local (same site) links in the same tab; opens offsite links in a new tab |
Opens both local and offsite links in the same tab |
Opens both local and offsite links in a new tab |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
By default, ICS Calendar opens any links contained within the calendar that are offsite (on a different domain than your site) in a new browser tab, while local (same-site) links will open in the same browser tab.
Add sametab="all"
to have all links open in the same tab; add sametab="none"
to have all links (including local links) open in a new tab.
Earlier versions of the plugin treated this field as a true/false value, and current versions are backwards-compatible. A value of
is equal toall
and a value offalse
is equal tolocal
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" sametab="all"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Dates & Times → Show End Times
Dates & Times → Show End Times
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Default |
Event end times are always displayed |
Event end times are only displayed when the user hovers over the start time |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
By default, start times are always displayed, and end times are displayed on hover. To always display end times (not just on hover), add the showendtimes="true"
Note: This parameter’s default value was changed in ICS Calendar version 10.6. Please see this blog post for more information.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" showendtimes="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the Hide Times setting(s).
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Header & Footer → Filter (Event Search)
Header & Footer → Filter (Event Search)
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Pro Only |
Adds search filter tool above calendar |
Default |
Pro Only |
No search filter |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Adds a simple form above the calendar to filter the events being displayed. Helps users locate specific items on calendars with a large number of events.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" showfilter="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Add the skip="NUMBER"
parameter in conjunction with the count
parameter in list view to split a calendar across multiple shortcodes within a page (e.g. a multi-column layout). This NUMBER
of events will be skipped in display. Should match the sum of the count
value(s) from previous shortcode(s) on the page for the same feed.
Note: As of ICS Calendar version 10.7, you may wish to use the
parameter, rather than usingskip
with multiple instances of your shortcode.
ICS Calendar Pro users: This parameter is not included in the Calendar Builder because its intended use is inconsistent with the Calendar Builder logic. If you wish to use
, you should create one single saved calendar, and then reuse itsid
-based shortcode multiple times, adding theskip
parameter directly to each instance of the shortcode, as appropriate.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" skip="5"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Skip Domain Errors
Advanced → Skip Domain Errors
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Won't try to load additional feeds from a server that has already returned an empty response or error |
Default |
Will try to load every feed included in all shortcodes on the page |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
By default, ICS Calendar tries to load every ICS feed in all ICS Calendar shortcodes contained on a page, regardless of whether or not any of the previous feeds failed to load.
In some cases, a page may contain a large number of feeds, all from the same server. If that server is unresponsive or returning errors, this could result in a page taking several minutes to load, as ICS Calendar futilely attempts to retrieve each additional feed.
By adding skipdomainerrors="true"
to your shortcode, ICS Calendar will keep track of the domains (servers) that have failed to return a valid feed already on the same page, and will automatically skip even attempting to connect to them again.
Note: The logic for skipping feeds only applies to a single page load. However, caching (including ICS Calendar’s internal caching mechanism) may cause the empty response to be retained on subsequent page loads by other users. If you are using this option, you may also wish to set a fairly short cache duration, such as
(5 minutes).
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" skipdomainerrors="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Events → Skip Recurrence
Events → Skip Recurrence
Add the skiprecurrence="true"
parameter to skip parsing recurring events. Since this omits all recurrences, it should only be used if the calendar is extremely large (affecting performance), and recurring events are not needed.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" skiprecurrence="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Solid Colors
Advanced → Solid Colors
Include solidcolors="true"
in your shortcode to make events in color-coded feeds use the designated color as a solid background behind the text, instead of the default lighter “tint” of the designated color.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" solidcolors="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Dates & Times → Start Date
Dates & Times → Start Date
By default, the calendar display will start from the current date. To have the calendar start from an arbitrary date (either in the future or the past), use this parameter with the date in an 8-digit "YYYYMMDD"
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" startdate="20220906"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the Start On setting(s).
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Sticky Months
General → Sticky Months
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Default |
The address bar URL changes when the user changes the displayed month, allowing links to a specific month |
The address bar URL does not change when the user interacts with the calendar |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Add stickymonths="true"
to your shortcode to have the browser’s address bar automatically update with a month code when the user selects a month from the dropdown menu (month view only). Using this URL will open the page with the given month pre-selected.
Note: This parameter’s default value was changed in ICS Calendar version 10.6. Please see this blog post for more information.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" stickymonths="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the View setting(s).
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Header & Footer → Subscribe Link
Header & Footer → Subscribe Link
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Pro Only |
Add subscribe links |
Default |
Pro Only |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
This option adds a subscribe link below the calendar. For multi-feed calendars, the subscribe links will be in the color key next to the calendar names. Note: This will make the direct URL of your feed publicly available.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" subscribelink="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
table_ cell_ contents
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Table Cell Contents
table_ cell_ contents
General → Table Cell Contents
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Pro Only |
Shows first few events on each day; exact number set by Limit in Table |
Pro Only |
Shows a dot indicating day has events |
Month with Sidebar view is a design that combines a table-based month view with a sidebar showing the full details of events on a selected date. Because this view might need to fit into a variety of page widths, this option lets you control whether the table shows a list of a few of each day’s events, or a simple dot indicating the date has events.
With either option, clicking on a date in the table shows the full list of that day’s events in the sidebar.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" table_cell_contents="events"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the View setting(s).
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → Table Background Color
Advanced → Table Background Color
Older versions of ICS Calendar automatically applied a transparent background color to the calendar table, taking on whatever background color was on the container element. In version 8.4.0 this was changed so the table by default has a white background. The tablebg
parameter was added to allow site admins to set a custom background color.
Note that you can use tablebg="transparent"
to restore the old functionality.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" tablebg="#ffffff"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Dates & Times → Time Format
Dates & Times → Time Format
Note: This parameter was introduced in ICS Calendar v. 9.8.0, and the Calendar Builder option was introduced in ICS Calendar Pro v. 3.17.0.
By default ICS Calendar will display all times in the format in your general WordPress settings under Settings → General → Time Format.
To use a different time format in your ICS Calendar shortcode, use a value in standard PHP date format with the timeformat
ICS Calendar Pro users: Because ICS Calendar’s custom time formatting function only supports a subset of the PHP options, the Calendar Builder field is a dropdown of valid options rather than a freeform text input.
As of ICS Calendar 11.2.1, it is now possible to use T
in the time format to include a timezone abbreviation. Currently, the timezone abbreviation will always be appended at the end of the time, regardless of where T
appears in this parameter.
Why does ICS Calendar have its own custom function for time format? PHP date functions use a
object. This object has special properties to deal with the complexities of timezones, Daylight Saving Time, etc. However, by the point in the process where ICS Calendar is manipulating time formats, these details have already been addressed and we simply need a way to manipulate the format of a text string, ignoring things like timezone logic. Because theDateTime
can’t work with a simple text string, we needed to create our own function.The custom function is really only designed to handle manipulations of 12- and 24-hour time, various ways of presenting “am/pm” labels, and other common time formatting options. Ironically, the function cannot handle any timezone-related parameters such as
, because those do require the timezone data from theDateTime
object. But using the object at this point can result in a doubling of any timezone offsets from UTC. We are working on an updated version of the function that will better handle these parameters.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" timeformat="H:i"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Header & Footer → Title
Header & Footer → Title
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Automatically displays the title of the calendar from the source feed (if the calendar only contains one feed) |
Default |
Hides the source calendar's title; does not display any title above the calendar |
(custom text) |
Displays the text entered, instead of the source calendar's title |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
The title
parameter is optional. If omitted, the title provided by the calendar feed will be displayed. Use “false” (e.g. title="false"
) to hide the title altogether.
Note: This parameter’s default value was changed in ICS Calendar version 10.6. Please see this blog post for more information.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" title="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the Hide Calendar Title and Description; Customize Title and Description setting(s).
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Events → Details Toggle
Events → Details Toggle
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
(empty) |
Default |
Event descriptions display in a floating box when user hovers over an event. |
Event descriptions display inline. (Option in Calendar Builder is inline.) |
Event descriptions display in a pop-up "lightbox." |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Note: This option’s functionality has been modified as of version 8.8.0.
By default, when eventdesc="true"
is set, event descriptions display in a floating box when users hover over an event in table-based calendar views. In list view, the descriptions are displayed directly on the page below the event title.
The toggle
option lets you change this behavior. Setting toggle="true"
will make the event descriptions appear inline when the user clicks on an event’s title. Setting toggle="lightbox"
will cause the description to appear in a pop-up “lightbox” when users click the event title. The lightbox option is especially well suited to calendars that tend to have very long event descriptions, as it allows a much larger space for displaying the descriptions.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" toggle="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the Event Descriptions, Event Locations & Event Organizers setting(s).
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Timezone
General → Timezone
By default, the feed will display events with times adjusted for the local timezone configured under Settings > General > Timezone. You can override the site’s timezone for individual feeds by adding the tz="TIMEZONE"
parameter. You must use a valid named timezone value or the setting will be ignored and the site’s local timezone setting will be used. If your calendar is displaying multiple feeds, you can assign each a separate timezone override, as with feed labels or colors, by entering multiple values, pipe-delimited, in the same order as the feeds in the url
parameter, e.g. tz="America/New_York|Europe/London|Pacific/Auckland"
. If you have multiple feeds but all are in the same timezone, you only need to enter the timezone once.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" tz="America/Chicago"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Header & Footer → Timezones in Legend
Header & Footer → Timezones in Legend
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Pro Only |
Shows timezone for each feed in the legend |
Default |
Pro Only |
Does not show timezones in the legend |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
If the legend is being used, this option will add the timezone for each feed to the legend. Helpful mainly in situations where the different source calendars have different timezones.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" tzinlegend="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the Legend Style setting(s).
upnext_ future_ label
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Future Label
upnext_ future_ label
General → Future Label
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Applicable Views
upnext_ now_ label
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Now Label
upnext_ now_ label
General → Now Label
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Applicable Views
upnext_ show_ date
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Show Date
upnext_ show_ date
General → Show Date
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
When checked, this option will show the current date on “today’s” events in Up Next view. By default, Up Next only shows the date if the event is not occurring today.
Applicable Views
upnext_ show_ future
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Show Next Future Event
upnext_ show_ future
General → Show Next Future Event
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → ICS Feed URL
General → ICS Feed URL
The ICS subscription URL for your feed.
It must be a subscription URL, not a URL that displays your calendar in a web view. (Loading the URL directly in your browser’s address bar should download an .ics
file.) Enter multiple URLs, space- or pipe-delimited, to combine multiple feeds into one calendar display.
This is the only required parameter for the shortcode. (Exception: Calendar Builder-based saved calendars in Pro only need the id
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url=""]
use_ client_ tz
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Use Local (Client) Timezone
use_ client_ tz
General → Use Local (Client) Timezone
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Displays events in the user's local timezone |
Default |
Displays events in the site's configured timezone |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Note: This feature was introduced in ICS Calendar Pro version 4.10.0.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" use_client_tz="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the AJAX setting(s).
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → View
General → View
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Default |
Month table view (default) |
A list of individual events with big dates, or a plain list if |
A simple day-by-day list |
Single week table view |
Pro Only |
Day columns with hourly grid |
Pro Only |
Month view with day list in sidebar |
Pro Only |
Mini month with day list below |
Pro Only |
Mini month optimized for rental bookings |
Pro Only |
Year-at-a-glance with day list in sidebar |
Pro Only |
Year view optimized for rental bookings |
Note: If using the default option indicated above, this parameter can be omitted entirely.
Determines which layout to use. View options included in the base plugin are "month"
, "week"
and "list"
. Month view is the default, and this parameter can be omitted entirely. See Views for more details about each view.
Additional view options are available in the Pro version. While we generally recommend using the Calendar Builder to manage calendar settings in Pro, all Pro features can also be entered manually in a shortcode. The additional views currently available in Pro are: "grid"
, "month-with-sidebar"
, "widget"
, "year-availability"
and "year-with-sidebar"
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" view="month"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Week Numbers
General → Week Numbers
This option adds an extra column at the beginning of each row of the table, indicating the week number within the year.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" weeknumbers="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the View setting(s).
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
Advanced → White Text
Advanced → White Text
Include whitetext="true"
in your shortcode to force all text within the calendar to be white. Useful on pages with dark backgrounds.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" whitetext="true"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Pro Only
Calendar Builder/ICS Calendar Block location (Pro):
General → Zoom
General → Zoom
Note: This parameter is available in ICS Calendar Pro only.
Accepted Values
Value | Default | Pro | Description |
Pro Only |
Decimal numeric value for scaling the grid relative to a base value |
Sets the relative size of hour blocks in grid view. 1.0 is approximately equal to 100 pixels. The default value is 0.6.
Example Usage
[ics_calendar url="" zoom="0.6"]
Note: Example only shows the relevant portion of the shortcode for this parameter. Your shortcode must include url
plus any other desired parameters.
Applicable Views
Calendar Builder (Pro) users: This input displays conditionally, based on the View setting(s).
No parameters matching your search criteria.