If the legend is being used, this option will add the timezone for each feed to the legend. Helpful mainly in situations where the different source calendars have different timezones.
If the legend is being used, this option will add the timezone for each feed to the legend. Helpful mainly in situations where the different source calendars have different timezones.
…for users to add the event to their personal calendars. Event Downloads eventdl=”true” true Add an individual .ics download to each event false 1 Do not add individual .ics downloads…
…both are set, pastdays takes precedence. Due to date scope logic in the parser, if both pastdays and limitdays are omitted, only events in the current calendar year will be…
Include whitetext=”true” in your shortcode to force all text within the calendar to be white. Useful on pages with dark backgrounds. White Text whitetext=”true”…
…ICS Calendar site updates this week, it became apparent to me that the site was sluggish. I knew the problem was the server it was on, and I had been…
If your calendar feed includes the RESOURCES property (typically used to assign rooms or equipment to an event), use this option to display that information in the event description hover/lightbox….
…This parameter was introduced in ICS Calendar v.10.9.1. Pagination Position basic list paginationposition=”below” above 1 Shows pagination links above the event list below Shows pagination links below the event list…
Note: This feature was introduced in ICS Calendar Pro version 4.10.0. Use Local (Client) Timezone true Displays events in the user’s local timezone false 1 Displays events in the site’s…
…added. This feature was added in ICS Calendar version 11.2.1. Event Local Time eventlocaltime=”true” true Shows times in the local timezones associated with each individual event false 1 Shows times…
Add fulldateintable=”true” to display full dates (using the format parameter) in each cell of table-based views (e.g. month, week, month with sidebar). This feature was added in ICS Calendar version…
Hide any events marked as “cancelled” that are included in the ICS feed. This feature was added in ICS Calendar version 11.1.0. Cancelled Events hidecancelledevents=”true” true Hides events marked CANCELLED…
Hide any events marked as “tentative” that are included in the ICS feed. This feature was added in ICS Calendar version 11.1.0. Tentative Events hidecancelledevents=”true” true Hides events marked TENTATIVE…