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Searched for: views

Developer Resources

…add_filter(‘r34ics_views’, function($views) { $views[] = ‘my-custom-view’; // Replace with the name of your view return $views; }); Returns a list of valid view templates. Used to allow fallback to month…

All Parameters

…month and week views only. Customize the day-of-week column labels in month and week views. columnlabels compact Set compact=”true” to activate a more compact display of whichever view you are…

ICS Calendar CSS Classes

…Class Associated HTML Tag(s) Description .all-day li Container for all-day indicator (table views). .all-day-indicator dt, span Displays the “ALL DAY” text. .attach div Container for event attachments. .attach_float div Container…

ICS Calendar Pro

…provide a solution, we’ll issue a full refund. Only need basic features? Check out the free version! The free version includes month, week and list views, and uses a shortcode…

New features and language lessons

…option was not working properly in the three Pro views to which it is applicable: Month with Sidebar, Year with Sidebar, and our old friend Widget view. This was due…


Views for more details about each view. Additional view options are available in the Pro version. While we generally recommend using the Calendar Builder to manage calendar settings in Pro,…

Calendar Builder

…calendar. There are eight View options for displaying your calendar. The Month, List and Week views are part of the free ICS Calendar plugin; the five additional views are available…


…the free version, plus eight additional views, extra options in the four core views, an intuitive Calendar Builder interface with full Block Editor integration, font and color tools in the…