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Searched for: method

All Parameters

…feed via cURL, and not allow the fopen fallback, use method=”curl” in your shortcode. Set the method (cURL or open) PHP uses to retrieve the feed. method monthnav By default,…

Privacy Policy

…ICS Calendar license using PayPal or other PayPal-owned methods: We use PayPal for payments and other services. If you wish to use one of these services and pay on our…


…Just as with the standard loading method, the entire calendar data is loaded. This is not an interactive AJAX feature. It is our observation that the user experience is more…

New features and language lessons

…the initial page load. We have to take another approach. Fortunately, there is an easy one: jQuery(document).on(‘click’, ‘.selector’, function() { … }); This method has no problem handling dynamically inserted…

New “All Parameters” Documentation Page

…with designing templates for that CPT. But I also wanted to add some extra elements to the page, namely a more intentional method of displaying the allowed input for parameters…

Calendars, caching, and cron

…is configured to run every 10 minutes, to execute as the root user*, and to retrieve the URL with all output being silenced. Using the wget method in a…

Which iCalendar fields should ICS Calendar support?

…and timezone information BEGIN CALSCALE END METHOD PRODID TZID TZNAME TZOFFSETFROM TZOFFSETTO VERSION You’ll find BEGIN and END throughout an .ics file, serving a variety of purposes. They’re basically “opening”…