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ICS Calendar in the Block Editor

ICS Calendar Pro supports the Block Editor (a.k.a. Gutenberg) with an ICS Calendar block. When inserting a new block, simply type /ics to select the ICS Calendar block. ICS Calendar blocks function identically to the Calendar Builder, except that the calendar you create with the block exists only in the page where you create it,…

On the futility of naming colors

This is certainly a “low priority” task, but sometimes my brain gets burned out on the high priority stuff, and I want to just have a bit of fun, while still improving the product. (And, the details do matter.) When I designed the basic CSS for ICS Calendar, I very deliberately chose absolutely neutral colors…

ICS Calendar Pro version 4.0 released!

Thank you for checking out ICS Calendar Pro version 4.0! In addition to some “under the hood” changes that are setting up some future updates, the big change with this version is the introduction of the new Full view. This is an integrated layout with month/week/day/list tabs, that uses the popular open source library.…

ICS Calendar CSS Classes

These CSS classes are presented as a reference, but are not in context. ICS Calendar takes extensive advantage of the “cascading” aspect of CSS and uses more complex selectors in most cases, so using your browser’s inspector is the most effective way to find the right selector to use in any given situation. The “lazy”…

Where in the world are people using ICS Calendar Pro?

Being based in the United States, I tend to have a somewhat skewed perspective on where people are using ICS Calendar. I do know that I tend to receive the largest number of support requests from users in the European Union… especially from Germany and the Netherlands. So I knew those countries had a lot…

If something can go wrong, eventually it will: the version 9.8.0 upgrade bug

If you’ve updated your ICS Calendar installation to version 9.8.0 and received either of these error messages… …or something similar to… Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘R34NoNo’ not found in /wp-content/plugins/ics-calendar/ics-calendar.php on line 89 …or if you received an automated email from your site notifying you of an issue with ICS Calendar, first off, my…

ICS Calendar Pro version 3.16 introduces the ICS Calendar Block

Up to now, sites that make use of the Block Editor (a.k.a. Gutenberg) only had one option for adding an ICS Calendar to the content of a page or a post: using a shortcode, either manually entering all of the options, or copy-pasting the ID-based shortcode of a Calendar Builder saved calendar. Now ICS Calendar…

ICS Calendar Pro version 3.15 introduces Widget Availability view

Big things are still underway for version 4.0 of ICS Calendar Pro, which will introduce an integration of the library for a whole new way of displaying an integrated, interactive multi-view calendar. But don’t worry… the current set of views aren’t going anywhere! In fact, today’s release of version 3.15 introduces a new view,…

New features in ICS Calendar 9.1.0

Version 9.1.0 is out and it includes three new shortcode attributes! Individual event .ics downloads This is been a frequently requested feature, and now it’s here! Add eventdl=”true” to your shortcode to add a clickable download link to each event. This will download a customized .ics file containing only the selected event for users to…

New developer function in ICS Calendar 8.12.0

ICS Calendar is fundamentally a tool for non-developer WordPress admins to have an easy way to display their external calendars seamlessly in WordPress sites. But many developers have also found it useful as a tool they can extend for their own purposes. As its usage grows and new use cases come to my attention, I…

New feature in ICS Calendar 8.11.0: week numbers

An ICS Calendar user in the Netherlands requested a feature that apparently is quite commonly used in Europe, but is not something I’ve encountered very often (if ever!) in U.S. calendars: week numbers preceding each week in the table. Fortunately, PHP makes it pretty easy to get the week-in-year number for any given date, so…

New features and bug fixes in ICS Calendar Pro version 3.7.0

Today marks the release of ICS Calendar Pro version 3.7.0. This version includes functional enhancements that were added to ICS Calendar in versions 8.7.0 and 8.8.0 over the past month, along with a few targeted bug fixes in the Month with Sidebar view, and some general CSS tweaks. The calendar builder now includes the updated…